Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday Writing -- Woohoo!!

Opening Thought....

Today, we will return all graded work from Days 1-14.  Students will be given the entire period to gather their evidence, collect their thoughts, organize their ideas and begin to write their argument essays.  Students will need to submit their outlines and rough drafts by end of class tomorrow.

1. Vocab #17 quiz 3/6
2. Vocab #17 weekly work due 3/6
3. Outline and Rough Draft due 3/6 (beginning of class if students want to participate in Genius Hour)
4. Genius Hour Proposals were due 2/27. 

PLEASE NOTE:  All late work was due 3/3/14.  Any grade changes (for eligibility), due to the late work turned in, must be discussed with Ms. Petty.  Ms. Petty is not responsible for initiating the paperwork.

Students must have the following assignments submitted in order to participate with Genius Hour this week:

1.  Proposal
2.  Vocab #17
3.  Essay Outline and Rough Draft
4.  Days 12-14 

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