Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Loving the Sun!!!

Opening Thought...

Today, in class...

1.  We will discuss the reading summaries submitted yesterday.
2.  We will focus our energies on completely the novel by reading in class.  
3.  Each night's homework will be completing the log for the chapters read in class.
4.  Students should expect a reading quiz each day on the previous day's reading.
5.  Students need to complete their Genius Log check in's on the class link.

Genius Hour Weekly Check In

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy Returns!!

Welcome Back! Early Out Schedule Today

Opening Thought.....

Today, in class:

1.  Summarize and review our reading in Life of Pi.  Whether a student is caught up (through 65) or not, he/she can answer the questions and be successful.
2.  Students are expected to be through Chapter 65 for tomorrow's class discussion.
3.  Vocabulary quiz will be Wednesday.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Review Wednesday

Opening Thought....

Today in class:

1.  Review the questions submitted yesterday (see presentation below).
2.  Discuss Part One....
3.  Submit Reading Log #7
4.  Start Part Two..(chapters 37-42)
5.  HW:  Study for Vocab Quiz (Life of Pi #1) 4/11 AND finish reading #37-42.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Testing Tuesday

Opening Thought......

Today in class:

1.  Create discussion questions
2.  Finish Part One....
3.  Reading Log #7 (chapters 31-36)
4.  Distribute Vocab lists (Life of Pi #1)
5. HW:  Finish in-class work

4/7/14 Early Out

Today in class:

1.  We worked on returning graded work and updating our class files.
2.  We turned in Reading Logs #5 and #6
3.  Students should be up-to-date on reading and logs by 4/8/14

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Funday :)

Opening Thought....

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in Reading Logs 1-4 (if you haven't already)
2.  Have class time dedicated to Genius Hour!!
3.  IN order to participate, students must have Logs 1-4 and Lit Terms in
4.  Students can choose to work on Chapters 21-30 and Reading Logs 5 and 6
5.  HW:  Chapters 21-30 and Reading Logs 5 and 6 AND Genius Hour Weekly Blog/Check in

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday

Opening Thought...

Today in class, we will...

1.  Turn in Readng Logs 3 (ch 11-15) and 4 (chapter 16-20)
2.  Use our class time to catch up, read, work on logs, etc.  
3.  By Monday, we will have read chapters 21-30 and completed Reading Logs 5 (21-25) and 6 (ch 26-30)
4.  By Monday, we will be ready to discuss the prolonged "back story" presented in Chapters 1-30, including the impact the "narrator" chapters have on the reader.
5.  In order to participate in Genius Hour, students must have Novel Lit Terms, Reading Logs 1-4, and Vocab #20 quiz done.

April 2, 2014

In class, we will:

1.  Turn in Reading Logs 1 (ch1-5) and 2 (ch 6-10)
2.  Review the Guiding Questions for chapters 11-15
3.  Listen to Chap 16-17 and discuss during the chapters
4.  HW:  Finish Reading Chapters 17-20; Complete Reading Log #3 (11-15) and Reading Log #4 (chapters 16-20)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Special Schedule

Opening Thought....

In class, we will:

1.  Review Reading Log #1 (chapter 1-5) and add Guiding Question.
2.  Review Chapter 4-10
3.  Listen to Chapters 11-15
4.  Complete Reading Log #2  (chapter 6-10)
5.  Exit Ticket:  where are you in the reading and any questions on the reading
6.  HW: Complete Reading Log #2 (chapter 6-10)

Life of Pi Chapter Questions