Friday, February 27, 2015

Finally Friday 2/27

Today in class (room 622), we will:

1.  Take Vocab #5 quiz
2.  Turn in Vocab #5 sentences
3.  Finalize the Road Map to Success project (and make sure you have shared it with me so I can grade it)
4.  Finalize the Career Research Outline (either turn in hard copy or make sure you have shared it with me so I can grade it)
5.  Turned in a list of sources for your Career Research outline/work.
6.  If time, work on Genius Hour Proposals
7.  If you need to take make up quizzes, today is the day online.
8.  HW:  Finalize Genius Hour Proposal 3/3

Vocab #5 Quiz





Thursday, February 26, 2015

Workday in the lab 2/26


Today in class, we will:

1.   Meet in room 620 to work on finalizing the Road Map to Success Project slides and the Career Research Outline.

2.  Assignments due tomorrow:  

  • Road Map to Success
  • Career Research Outline
  • Vocab #5 Sentences
  • Vocab #5 Quiz
  • Make up Quizzes for Vocab #1-4

If you have been absent, read through the last week's worth of blog posts first. Then ask your neighbor. Then, see Ms. Petty.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2/25/15 In Class

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review a couple of completed Road Maps
2.  Learn how to finalize the Road Map project (Ms. Petty will show how to edit, etc)
3.  Have work time to finalize the Career Research Outline, write drafts for the Road Map slides, work on Vocab #5 sentences.

4.  HW:  ALL DUE FRIDAY:  Vocab #5 quiz, Vocab #5 sentences, Road Map Project, Career Outline, List of Sources


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Road Map to Success

Today in class, we will:

1.  Complete our research outline
2.  Tackle the Road Map Assignment
3.  Be in the Lab (room 620) to do #1 and #2
4.  HW:  ALL DUE 2/27:  Study for Vocab #5 Quiz; Vocab #5 Sentences; Road  Map Project and Career Outline 

Directions for the Lab today:

Road Map to Success for Student Use
  • Open the Link on this blog for the Road Map to Success Project.
  • Under File, Copy the Road Map to Success Project
  • Name it to:  "Class Period.LastName.FirstName.Road Map"
  • Under File, Share it with me ( with viewing rights
  • Close the original link and work on the copy version with your name on it
  • You will need to complete your research outline first. Then complete the Road Map to Success as presentation slides or copy and past into a Google Document.  

We will be in the lab today and Thursday. Wednesday will be a work day in room 609.

If you want to type in the information to the Gdoc for the outline, you will need to follow the same steps as above, but for the Career Outline:

Copy of Career Research Outline for Student

  • Open the Link on this blog for the Copy of Career Research Outline for Student.
  • Under File, Copy theCopy of Career Research Outline for Student
  • Name it to:  "Class Period.LastName.FirstName.Career Outline"
  • Under File, Share it with me ( with viewing rights
  • Close the original link and work on the copy version with your name on it

Monday, February 23, 2015

Early Out Monday

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in our completed career research/outlines
2.  Distribute Vocab #5 words
3.  Write a sentence for each of the 15 vocabulary words *(using it correctly and the sentence must be at least six words in length and printed/written neatly)
4.  HW:  Study for Vocab Quiz #5 (2/27); Vocab #5 sentences (2/27); Complete Friday's work (2/24)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Feb. 20, 2015

Today in class, we will meet in the lab to accomplish four goals:

1.  Take our Vocab #4 quiz online
2.  Research our career completely (research due on Monday 2/23)
3.  Complete our Genius Hour proposal.
4.  Complete the survey from 1/30/15 regarding email and blog urls.

Directions for Genius Hour Proposal:

1.  Click on link
2.  Under File, choose "Make a Copy"
3.  Name it: Period #.Last Name.First Name.Genius Hour Proposal (should look like "3.Petty.Cat.Genius Hour Proposal")
4.  Under file, click share and share with
5.  Choose that I can comment (not edit)
6.  Complete the Genius Hour Proposal

Genius Hour Proposal

Link to Naviance for Career Research:   RHS-Naviance

Career Research Outline: Career Research Outline Link

Wednesday and Thursday 2/17-18

In class, we read short stories that dealt with finding our dreams, following our dreams and our work life in the future. We responded to journals and questions connected to the reading.  Students who were absent need to see Ms. Petty on Monday, 2/23 to get the assignments.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Feb. 17, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1.  Distribute Vocab #4
2.  Return Vision Boards
3.  Complete Survey (posted on Jan. 30, 2015 blog) by tomorrow
4.  Take notes on career skills
5.  HW:  Genius Hour Proposal 2/20; Vocab #4 quiz 2/20

Friday, February 13, 2015

Finally Friday :)

Today in class, we will meet in room 622.

1. Take Vocab #3 quiz online
2.  Research our chosen careers on naviance
3.  Create a blog post on our blogs (write a paragraph on what you are thinking for your Genius Hour projects)
4.  Research/brainstorm our Genius Hour project ideas
5.  HW:  Get outside!!!!! 

Vocab #3 Quiz:  

Link to Naviance:   RHS-Naviance

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Feb. 12, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1.  Continue our discussion on creativity with a TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson
2.  Turn in Quickwrites 1-4
3.  Gallery walk our index cards (see yesterday)
4.  Answer some questions
5.  Discuss Genius Hour parameters
6. HW:  Vocab Quiz #3 tomorrow; in lab 622.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Introduction to Genius Hour....

Today in class, we will:

1.  Distribute Vocab #3 words
2.  Quickwrite 1,2,3
3.  Watch Ashton Kutcher's acceptance speech from 2013 Teen Choice Awards
4.  Watch Eugene Hennie's "Finding your Inner Awesomeness" TEDx talk
5.  Index Cards (answer 2 of 5 questions...exit ticket)
6.  HW: Study for Vocab #3 quiz (no weekly vocab work this week)

Ashton Kutcher's speech:

Eugene Hennie's talk:  

Friday, February 6, 2015

Finally Friday

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in Vocab #2 work
2.  Take Vocab Quiz #2
3.  Work on our Career Research project
4.  Voluntarily participate in a good samaritan art project
5. HW:  Need a career chosen by Tuesday

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feb. 5, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1.  Return the notes taken in Career Center
2.  Return the Naviance survey results (purple paper)
3.  Distribute the Career Ed research topics
4.  Complete the first step on the Career Ed research (what do I know about my career)
5.  Time to work on Vocab #2 work (10 visual representations/pictures)
6. HW:  Vocab #2 quiz; Vocab #2 work --both 2/6

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb. 3. 2015

Today in class, we will:

1.  Meet in the Career Center
2.  Turn in our completed Job Apps
3.  Take notes on the presentation given by Mrs. Dirkes
4.  Choose a career to research
5.  HW:  Start researching the career of choice; vocab #2 quiz 2/6; vocab #2 work 2/6

Early Out Monday

Today in class, 

1.  We distributed Vocab #2 definitions/words.
2.  Vocab #2 work was assigned (create pictures/visuals for 10 of the 15 words this week)
3.  Job Applications were distributed to complete and return tomorrow.  The job applications have students practice necessary skills for success outside of high school.
4.  HW:  Vocab #2 quiz 2/6; Vocab #2 work 2/6; Job App 2/3