Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 18, 2016

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in signed syllabus to tray
2. Last day to turn in Letter of Intro
3. Padlet#1 assignment due today
4. Textbooks distributed tomorrow
5. Author background activity/assignment
6. HW:  Author background activity due 8/19; Syllabus due 8/19; Bring a device everyday (we start with OneNote tomorrow)

Author Background Activity:

1. Read through the information in the four links provided.
2. Answer the questions---(you can answer the questions on paper/pen or in a google doc and share it with me. If you share it with me, you must have it named correctly as discussed in class AND use your correct gmail address.)



The Kafka Project

Franz Kafka Online

Kafka wikipedia


1. When was he alive?

2. Where is he from?

3. What's his background? 

4. What were his childhood/life experiences? Did his life influence his writing? How so?

5. Was he only an author? Did he have any other jobs?

6. What did he typically write about?

7. Rank the sources in order of reliability.

8. Why is your number one source your number one? What makes it the most reliable?

9. How do you know that the sources I gave you are accurate and true?

10. Find one more source of information on Franz Kafka and list the url and title.

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