Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30,2015

Today in class with Ms. Provost, we will:

1. Work on Study Island questions....due tomorrow! Get on it!!
2. Distribute Vocab #14 tomorrow
3. HW:  Study Island Questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Julius Caesar PLAY

I've found a link for the 1970 version of the play....It includes most of it.

Act 3 begins at 37 minute mark
Act 4 begins at 1:07 mark
Act 5 begins at 1:19.20 mark

November 20, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Complete Journal #29
**turn in journals 26-29 to tray
2. Continue watching the play...Act 4-5
3. Complete the questions on Study Island for Acts 4-5
4. HW:  Study Island Questions; Journals 26-29 11/20; No quiz on 11/20

November 19, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Complete Journal #28
2. Continue watching the play...Act 3
3. Complete the questions on Study Island for Acts 1-3
4. HW:  Study Island Questions; Journals 26-29 11/20; No quiz on 11/20

JC Unit Handout

Helpful Links for Our Unit on The Tragedy of Julius Caesar:

No Fear Shakespeare….modern translation of play side by side with original

BBC version of the play (I haven’t previewed it completely, but seems to be fairly accurate.):

LINK TO UNIT HANDOUT:  2015 Julius Caesar Unit Handout


Study Island Assignment

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Study Island Assignment

In order to increase student comprehension of the plot and events in the play, students will complete the comprehension questions for each act of the play on the website "Study Island."  Students have been shown how to log in and find the questions; however, directions are listed below. Students must earn at least a 70%, answering at least 15 questions for each act.

This assignment is due November 30, 2015.

Link to Study Island: STUDY ISLAND LOGIN

1. Select link to access Study Island website
2. Login under "Study Island for Schools"
3. Use your SMJUHSD student email address for username ( and your AERIES/district password as your password (Uppercase, lowercase123456)
4. Click "submit"
5. Choose "Language Arts" in the menu bar near the top
6. Scroll down under National Programs to find "The Works of Shakespeare Julius Caesar" and click on the link.
7. You will be answering the Basic Comprehension questions for each act.
8. You will need to select the link for Act One.
9. When SI goes to the next screen for "Session Options", you will need to select the number of questions to 15.
10. Also, you can choose to answer the questions in Practice Mode or Game Mode. Either one is fine.
11. Select NEXT.
12. Answer each question....when you get a question correct, a star will appear. If you choose an incorrect answer, a red X will appear.  After a correct question, you can choose to see the explanation of why the answer is correct.
13. When you are completely done with one act, you can return to the MAIN MENU and select the next act.
14. If you need to interrupt your study session, you can exit and return to it later.
15. If you get stuck on the process, you can email me at


November 17-18, 2015

Today (and yesterday) in class, we

1. Completed Journals #26 and #27
2. Started watching and discussing The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (yesterday Act One; today Act Two)
3. Distributed Vocab #13 list
4. Reviewed the Padlet/Google Drawing assignment
5. During play, take notes or not...up to each student but each student is responsible for comprehension.
6. HW:  Vocab #13 quiz 11/20; Padlet/Google Drawing assignment 11/20; Journals #26-29 11/20;

Monday, November 16, 2015

Google Draw/Padlet Assignment

1. You will be creating a new Google drawing and posting it to Padlet.
2. Your Google drawing needs the following:

  • An image (either use Androidify or find a picture of a person/character)
  • Background image
  • Title using Word Art (the title is your name)
  • A text box that includes the explanation of your image and why you chose it. 
3. Don't forget that the easiest way to do this is to open about four-five tabs
4. One tab for Google drive to start a NEW Google drawing
5. One tab for the Padlet....which the url is:
6. One tab for searching for background images (and make sure you choose images that can be reused with modification)
7. One tab for either or Google search for your image/character/person
8. One tab for these directions on the class blog

  • If you use Androidify, stop at the "choose signature move" and use your snipper tool to capture the image.  You do not have to input personal information.
  • I posted an example on the Padlet already. This assignment is due on November 20, 2015
  • Remember that there are two ways to upload to Padlet...shareable link or save Google drawing as a jpeg and upload that way.
  • Remember to name your Google drawing

November 16, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Take/complete Vocab #12 quiz
2. Distribute vocab #13 lists
3. Turn in JC word search to tray
4. HW:  Don't miss school tomorrow....lots of information about the Caesar unit

Friday, November 13, 2015

November 13, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Not be going to room 622
2. Not be taking our Vocab #12 quiz
3. Be completing a word search on Julius Caesar/Shakespeare in class.
4. Be checking the blog by Sunday for any new information

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Periods 3,5,6,7 will learn the cool tech skills that Ms. Coats taught period 4 on Tuesday (which includes, snipping an image, creating a Google drawing, and uploading to Padlet)
2. Period 4 will complete the in-class essay on Julius Caesar
3. HW: Vocab #12 quiz 11/13

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Write a cohesive, complete in-class (5 paragraph) essay answering the following question:

"What were the three most influential events in Caesar's life and why? Describe the event, how it shaped/influenced Caesar as a person/leader, and if the impact was positive or negative."

2. If a student has been absent for more than two days of the biography, then he/she will need to write the following essay in response to this question:

"What have been the three most influential presidents in US History and why?  Describe each choice, the influence each had on the US, and if the impact was positive or negative."

3.  Students can NOT opt-out of the Caesar topic. It is ONLY for those students who have been absent more than two days of the biography.

4. Essays are due at the end of clas. NO ONE can take them home to complete.

5. Attach notes to back of essay.

6. HW:  No Homework; No school tomorrow

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015

Today in class,we will:

1. Distribute vocab list #12
2. Finish Biography on Julius Caesar (notes due tomorrow)
3. HW:  4th period...bring tablets AND release form

November 6, 2015

Today in class, we:

1. Completed Quiz #11
2. Continued to take notes on the biography
3. HW..none

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 4 and 5, 2015

Yesterday and today in class, we have:

1. Discussed grades, cheating, effort, and self-discipline
2. Continued to watch the biography of Julius Caesar (as a historical figure) and take notes
3. Abolished the vocab sentences assignment for the rest of the semester.
4. HW:  Study for Vocab #11 quiz (it will be paper/pencil in class)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Career Cruising Information

Due by Friday November 6, 2015


1. Use the link on my blog to access Career Cruising
2. Log in using your RHS student ID and password
3. Click on "assessments" on the blue menu bar
4. Choose "Matchmaker" and label it with "your last name and today's date"
5. Complete the first 39 questions thoughtfully
6. Write down the two recommended sectors (upper left corner) and the top 5 career suggestions.
7. Click on "answer more questions" on left margin and answer the next 50(+/-) questions.
8, Repeat Step #6
9. Click on "answer more questions"
10. Answer the next 20 or so questions thoughtfully
11. Repeat Step #6
12. Choose "Start My Skills" on left margin/side
13. Answer the questions.
14. Write down any careers that get a "grade of A or B"
15. Click on "assessments" on the blue menu bar
16. Choose :"Learning Styles"
17. Answer the 20 questions thoughtfully
18. Write down your top 3 learning styles and the percentages
19. Read about those learning styles
20. Turn in all of the information that you wrote down from the assessments.


November 3, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Distribute Vocab #11 lists
2. Discuss grades
3. Start watching the biography on Julius Caesar (as a historical person) {TNT's Julius Caesar}
4. Take notes on key events that shape Caesar's life/perspective
5. HW:  Vocab 011 sentences 11/5; Vocab #11 quiz 11/6

November 2, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Briefly introduce our new unit, Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare
2. Read pages 816-819 in our textbook for background information
3. Research Julius Caesar, Roman Empire, and William Shakepeare with a partner. Write down what you consider are ten key facts about each topic.
4. Answer the following question after you have researched the topics "What do you think the influences were that shaped Shakespeare's choices of topics?"
5. HW:  Grades will be posted tonight