Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class,we will:

1.  Discuss/review Genius Hour progress and month left:)
2.  Reread ERWC article
3.  Study time for Vocab #10
4. HW;  Vocab #10 quiz 5/1 and WE ARE NOT IN LAB TOMORROW

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in Vocab #10 sentences to tray
2. Complete ERWC Day 4 activities and turn those in as an exit ticket
3. HW:  Vocab #10 quiz 5/1

April 28, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today's class will be spent on "housekeeping"...returning graded student work AND then students will have time to work on their Vocab #10 sentences, which are due tomorrow.

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Distribute Vocab #10 lists
2. Complete Day 3 activities
3. Complete Vocab activity for Day 3 (6 words....chart)
4. Work time for Vocab #10 list weekly work
5. HW:  Vocab Chart for Day 3 4/28; Vocab #10 weekly work 4/29; Vocab #10 quiz 5/1

Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class we will:

1. Take Vocab #9 quiz
2. Make up any missing quizzes 6-8

4. Double check that your blog posts and proposal are done
5. HW:  Work on the genius hour project

Vocab #6 Quiz: MAKE UP QUIZ #6

Vocab #7 Quiz: MAKE UP QUIZ #7

Vocab #8 Quiz: MAKE UP QUIZ #8

Vocab #9 Quiz:  Vocab #9 Quiz

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Preview the next article...Day 2 Activities
2. Answer questions and predict content
3. Turn in class work
4. HW:  Vocab #9 quiz 4/24


#4-- 4/17/15

To see the required content for each blog post, you will need to review my blog post from the date listed above.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Introduce concepts/ideas for our ERWC unit
2. Turn in in-class work (from Prezi)
3.  Possibly start the next pre-reading activity.
4. HW:  Vocab #9 quiz 4/24

LINK TO  Class Activities via Prezi

April 20-21, 2015

Opening Thought:

1. Distribute Vocab #9 lists
2. Time to complete weekly work for Vocab #9 (due Tuesday)
3. Genius Hour Check In....
4. Examples of independent learning
5. HW:  Vocab #9 quiz 4/24

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Take Vocab #8 quiz
2. Last chance to take make up quizzes for weeks #6 and #7
3. Work on our Genius Hour projects
4. Watch the Ted Talk by Dan Gilbert if you missed it or the class didn't finish it (3rd)
--Headphones are in the file cabinet and make sure you take notes on at least 5 things that interest you. Also, write a paragraph of reflection about the talk.
5. Work on Genius Hour Projects


6. Create a blog post about your genius hour project that includes:

  • an image
  • a paragraph on the materials needed or used
  • a paragraph on the struggles so far (if no struggles, then successes)
  • a paragraph on how things are going (reflect on process, your efforts, etc)
  • a plan for the rest of the month....what do you need to get done

7. Your blog should have 3 posts already. Today makes four.  If you haven't blogged yet, to get caught up-to-date, you need to look back at my blog on 2/13/15; 3/13/15; 3/27/15

8. HW:  If you have missed the Ted Talk or the documentary I Am, then watch them and take notes

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Watch Dan Gilbert's 2004 TED talk on the science of happiness
2. Take least five interesting concepts, ideas
3. Write a paragraph of reflection...agree, disagree, huh?
4. HW:  Vocab #8 quiz; Vocab #6 and #7 make ups; in room 622 = all tomorrow 4/17

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in the Vocab#8 weekly work
2. Continue with the documentary I Am
3. Submit notes from documentary
4. All 10th graders need to report to testing room on Thursday by 7:40.
5. HW:  Vocab Quiz #8 on Friday

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Review the information for the 10th grade science test on Thursday
2. Discuss how documentaries and Tedtalks are forms of expository writing...all have points to make for the reader/audience....the challenge is to discover the points.
3. Review progress of ERWC unit and this week's activities
4. Watch and take notes on the documentary "I AM"
5. HW:  Vocab #6,7,8 quizzes on Friday 4/17

April 13, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will

1. Distribute Vocab #8 list
2. Complete the weekly vocab assignment
3. Review

April 1, 2015

Opening Thought:

Today in class, I will demonstrate the following:
1.  How to collaborate within a Google document.
2.  How to add pictures, videos and links in Blogger for your Genius Hour project blog.
3.  How to use some Google search tools, including images and research 

HW:  Work on Genius Hour projects, proposal, blog