Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 30 and 31, 2015

In class,

  1. We will read the article "New Science of Happiness"  LINK TO ARTICLE
  2. We will follow the shred/analysis process that we practiced last week.
  3. We will write a 4-5 sentence summary of the article (use the information from Step 3 of the Shred)
  4. Next, on Tuesday....we will answer three different types of reading comprehension questions to practice critical thinking and comprehension skills.
  5. Last day to turn in late work from this grading period is tomorrow, 4/1/15

Friday, March 27, 2015

Finally Friday

Today in class (room 622 the lab), we will complete the following tasks:

1.  Take Vocab #7 quiz
2.  Turn in Vocab #7 sentences if you haven't
3.  Complete the blog assignment
4.  Submit the blog information in the form below.
5.  Work on genius hour projects
6.  HW:  Enjoy the weekend....we are back to ERWC unit on Monday.

Blog Assignment:

1.  If you are working in a group, decide which member's blog will be the group blog.
2.  If you are on your own, skip step #1
3.  Create a New Title for your blog...one that reflects your Genius Hour project.
4.  Remember we don't use last names at all...First names and Last name first initial ONLY
5.  Write a third blog post

  • (if you are group, you write the blog on the group's chosen one blog)  
  • (if you are an individual, then you are writing it on your blog).....
  • explain why you chose the title, what steps you need to take between now and over Spring Break to work on your project. 
  • What frustrations have you had so far? What could be going better?
  • Make sure you check spelling, grammar, etc.

6.  If you are group,  you will need to add the group members as readers or authors to your blog.
7.  Add, change, adjust the blog to reflect the group's project.
8.  Make sure you copy and paste the blog url/address into the survey/form below.

****If you haven't completed a proposal, then you need to do that.  


  1. Select Blogger from Waffle
  2. Choose the drop-down arrow (next to the clipboard/paper--to the right of the orange/white new post pencil icon)
  3. Choose settings
  4. Under Basic Settings, choose "edit" for the title..."edit" is in blue next to your current title.
  5. After you have changed the title, add a very brief description of your blog focus.

Directions to Add Blog Readers/Authors

  1. Select Blogger from Waffle
  2. Choose the drop-down arrow (next to the clipboard/paper--to the right of the orange/white new post pencil icon)
  3. Choose settings
  4. Under "permissions", select blog readers or blog authors (your choice).  Then add their gmail addresses to the box after you have chosen to add readers.
  5. Make sure you select to "save changes"
  6. Also, make sure my gmail is listed as a reader (catpetty10@gmail.com)
  7. Your blog should be PRIVATE except for the blog readers/authors. 



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our First "Shred"

Today in class, we will: 

1.  Turn in the terminology defintion work from yesterday to the tray.
2.  Turn in Vocab #7 sentences, if you haven't yet.
3.  Remember that tomorrow is the Career Fair.  Period 3 and 4 are required to attend.  Periods 5-7 have optional attendance. All students must check in with Ms. Petty during the Career Fair for attendance purposes.  If Period 5-7 students choose to attend, they must bring a signed pre-arrange form to the gym and check in with Ms. Petty.
4. Distribute the article "Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume?" for reading and anaylsis
5.  After the steps below are followed, students are to write a three sentence summary of the article (only three sentences) as an exit ticket.
6. HW:  Career Fair periods 2-4 3/26; Vocab Quiz #7 3/27; Computer Lab 3/27

"Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume?"

Today we are reading "Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume'?"  After we read it, we will analyze, shred, rip apart, discuss, etc the article as practice for what good readers do when reading non-fiction.  

Steps to Shred/Analyze/Dissect an Article

1.  Preview the text: (Get an idea of what you expect to read)

  • A) Do you see any sections? How are they marked? (by spaces, subheadings, etc.)
  • B) Are there any visuals? charts, pictures, quotes
  • C) Do you get any additional information from visuals

2.  As you read:

  • A) Write ?s (question marks) in the margin near things that you don't understand
  • B) Circle words you don't know or phrases that are confusing
  • C) Underline ideas you think are important
  • D) Write !s (exclamation marks) around ideas or statements that need a second look.
  • E) Write happy faces :-) or sad faces :-( for ideas or statements that you either agree or disagree with

3.  After you have read the article twice:

  • A) Write/put a box/square around the main idea or position statement
  • B) Write stars next to key supporting details

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Unit--ERWC

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in Vocab #7 sentences
2. Watch the 2005 Stanford Commencement Address by Steve Jobs
3. Respond to a Journal about it
4. Define important terminology in our new unit.
5. HW:  1. Vocab Quiz 3/27; Career Fair 3/26; Terminology 3/25

ERWC Teminology

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 Early Out

This is how I feel to be back in the classroom.... :)

Today in class, we will:

1. Distribute Vocab #7 lists
2. Complete Vocab #7 work
3. Discuss the next unit
4. Discuss the Career Fair set for 3/26
5. HW: Study for Vocab #7 quiz 3/27

Monday, March 16, 2015

Manic Monday....Not!!

Today in class, we will:

1. Review literary terms, grammar and writing strategies via Kahoot!
2. HW:  Get lots of sleep, bring food, be on time (7:45 a.m.)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Finally Friday--March 13, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1.  Take Vocab #6 quiz

2.  Turn in Vocab #6 sentences
3.  Finalize Genius Hour Proposals for Ms. Petty's approval
4.  Add a blog post about what your final genius hour proposal is about
5.  Complete this form  MS. PETTY'S CLASS LIST OF BLOGS
6.  HW:  Study and review all Literary Elements/Terms




MS. PETTY'S EMAIL: catpetty10@gmail.com

Directions to Finalize Genius Hour Proposals

1. Log into your gmail.
2. Go to the waffle and select "Drive"
3. Find your Genius Hour Proposal that you should have saved in February.  
**If you never saved it, the proposal document and instructions are on 2/20/15 post
4. Work on it...complete all areas and sections.
5. If you haven't shared it with me, do so (under file or the blue tab in right corner)
6. If you aren't sure if you shared it, click on blue "Share" icon in right upper corner. It should state who you have shared the document with.  
7. Only one proposal is needed per group.  


1.  Go to the waffle and find the Blogger icon
2.  Select the orange and white pencil icon for new post
3.  Give the post the title of "Final Genius Hour Proposal"
4.  Type up at least one-two paragraphs in which you explain your proposal, why you chose the project, and what you hope to gain from the project.
5.  Make sure you spell check it.
6.  Select Publish in the upper right corner.
7.  If you want to see how it looks, select view blog
******SUPER IMPORTANT, Please make sure that you have made me a reader of your blog and that it is selected as private for now.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in yesterday's homework/class activity (essay with five thesis statements)
2. Review test-taking tips
3. Answer questions on CAHSEE
4. Work time on Vocab #6 (sentences and study for quiz)
5. HW:  See slide below for homework

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015

Today in class, we will:

1. Finish our review of thesis statements
2. Have time to finish our vocab #6 sentences
3. Turn in the completed plot charts from yesterday's class
4. HW: Vocab #6 sentences 3/13; Vocab #6 quiz 3/13; In the Lab 3/13 to finalize Genius Hour

March 10, 2015

Students in class watched a visual depiction of a short story and then completed a plot chart to review the elements of plot (exposition--character, setting, initial event, rising action, turning point/climax, falling action, and resolution.)

Plot Chart is due at the beginning of class 3/11

If a student is absent on March 10, he/she should choose a short story from the text to read and then complete a detailed plot chart for credit.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Early Out Monday 3/9

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in homework (Thesis and plans statements for 4 expository topics from Thursday)
2.  Return graded work from 1st 6 weeks
3.  Distribute Vocab #6 lists
4.  HW: Write 4 really good essay prompts. They can be expository or tied to the movie. Due at beginning of class 3/10

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thesis Thursday!!

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in yesterday's thesis statement practice
2,  Practice another Response to Literature thesis statement and plan statement
3.  Review yesterday's work
4.  Discuss "stand alone" expository essay prompts
5.  Extensive practice on writing thesis and plan statements to expository essay prompts
6.  HW:  No school tomorrow; Whatever isn't finished in class today IS HOMEWORK!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thesis Statements :)

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review the elements of a strong thesis statement and introduction.
2.  Practice writing thesis and plan statements
3.  Choose one of our six thesis statements and outline an essay response
4.  HW:  Whatever that is not finished in class 3/5

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

CAHSEE Prep...Exam in Two Weeks

Today in class, we will:

1.  First progress report grades will be posted for review
2.  We will continue our story (which we are using for the CAHSEE prep) and focus on literary elements and characterization.
3.  HW:  Review Literary Terms from fall semester