Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Fun in the Lab

Today in class, we will:

1.  Confirm that we all have working gmail accounts.
2.  Take the class vocab quiz
3.  Create your blog
4.  Sign up for Remind if  you need to
5.  Complete the survey with blog address and gmail.


Class Survey:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tech Thursday

Today in class, we learned how to create a blog, expectations for the lab, and had time to study for our vocabulary quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tackling our Tuesday

Today in class, we will be finishing up and turning in our Vision/Future Boards and writing an explanation of what is represented on those boards.

We will have work time for our first vocabulary assignment work.

Students will also be able to get login information for the practice CAHSEE test on Revolution K12 so that they complete it by Thursday, 1/29.

HW:  Vocab Work #1 1/30; Quiz 1/30

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday...Fun day....Work day on our Visions

Today in class, we will work on our Vision/Future Boards. I have paper, magazines, glue, scissors, and markers.  Students need to bring their ideas!!

Vision/Future Boards are due tomorrow!!

Also, students will receive Vocab #1 today.

Quiz on Vocab #1 is Friday.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Funday :)

Today,  we are in room 622 to complete our Naviance/Guidance Dept Survey on careers.

We can also finish our practice CAHSEE test.

HW:  Please work on the Vision/Future Board project. They are due Tuesday.

Directions for Naviance Survey

Survey Handout....Must complete this

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Visions of the Future

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in the Letter of (re) Introduction
2. Turn in the LEGEND survey
3. Discuss what we want for our order to create a "Vision Board"/"Future Board"
4. Class time will be given for students to brainstorm, determine adjectives that describe their future and then look for images that represent those descriptors.
5.  The "Vision Board"/"Future Board" will be due Tuesday and it can take any form.  
6.  Friday, 1/23 we will meet in room 622 for a Guidance Department/Career Education survey.

Directions for Vision Board

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Today, we are finally in the classroom.  We will be revisiting rules, procedures, grading policies, late work, etc.

In addition, students will be writing a revised letter to me, explaining how they have grown over the past semester, what they want for their futures, and what they need to do in order to have a successful second semeter.  

Finally, we will complete a survey for the RHS LEGEND, our school news magazine.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Today, we will be meeting in room 622 (computer lab) to register.  Please bring your form with you.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday :)

Today in class, we will be meeting in the cafeteria to learn about registration for next year's classes. We will be registering Tuesday so it's important that everyone pay attention and ask good questions today.

Tuesday, we will be meeting in room 622 to register.

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WooHoo!!!! Welcome Back!!

I am so excited for Spring and our new semester!


Tech: Students and parents can keep up with classroom ideas/work/assignments/projects/information with the classroom blog ( I am hoping to use my school Instagram (catpettyrhs) to post homework, etc. I also have the google voice phone number if you have questions... 805/270-5621.  Also, students can also sign up for text reminders using our class service, Remind. I will post directions for Remind later this week.  

Curriculum:  We are so happy for this semester's material.  We will be focusing on curriculum and learning, personalized to you and your future. We have five main areas...the novel, career education, CAHSEE prep, non-fiction, and a personalized project.  Start thinking about what matters to you!!!  SO EXCITED!!

Please Note:

Vocab:  We will be starting weekly vocabulary quizzes (to enhance your knowledge, prepare you for state testing, and make you sound way cooler) on January 26, 2015. .

Naviance: Naviance is the online registration and guidance program that is used at RHS. We will be registering for next year's courses and also using the program to investigate a career of your choice.  

Syllabus: If you haven't received a copy or would like a new one, I will post it by Friday on the blog.  

Gmail: If you don't have a gmail account for class, please see me and I will get you the instructions.  (probably post by Friday)

Key Dates:  

1/14-1/15: Revolution 380 for CAHSEE practice assessment
1/16:  Meet in Cafeteria for Registration Presentation by Guidance department.
1/19:  No school
1/20:  Registration 
1/23:  Naviance survey/test