Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Opening Thought:

Today, in class:

Periods 6 and 7 will take their final exam.  
Grades should be posted to AERIES by Wednesday afternoon.  

Monday--study, study, study

Today in class, we will:

1. Return graded work so it can help you study
2. Post new grades
3. Have SST--silent study time.
4. HW:  Study for your exam and please bring a pencil to class

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Celebration of Knowledge in Essay form!!! WooHOO!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Create a wonderful, thoughtful coherent essay explaining the three themes that best represent the play, Julius Caesar.
2.  Distribute the study guide for the final exam.
3.  The final exam will be 70 questions:  40 on the play, 10 on literary elements, 20 on reading comprehension skill mastery (can't study for these 20).
4.  HW:  STUDY!!!!


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Here Comes the Rain!!

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review last night's homework
2.  Review the terms "tragedy" and "tragic flaw"
3.  Write a quickwrite on the tragic flaws of Brutus and Caesar
4.  Discuss the prompt for the in-class essay (tomorrow)
5.  Find evidence to support your thesis for in-class essay
6. HW:  Bring materials for in-class essay


Today in class, we:

1.  Copied down the themes prevalent in JC
2.  Partipated in a whole-class survey and discussion of the themes.
3.  Completed a journal (see the slides on Thursday)
4.  HW:  Find two modern examples for two of the themes due 12/11

Monday, December 8, 2014

Early Out Monday--Let's Get Caught Up!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:  

1.  Use the time to review the three assignments that were due last week and make sure they are the best possible to be submitted.
2.  Use the time to complete Friday's homework, (if necessary)
3.  HW:  Start thinking about final exams!!

Friday, 12/5/14

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Work with a partner on a T-chart in which you compare Brutus with Caesar.  Make sure to list the following areas:
A) Motivation
B) Supporters
C) Character traits---at least 4
D) Tragic Flaw (look it up)
E) Similarities
F) Differences
G) End Result

2. For homework, write a paragraph answering the following prompt:

"Who is the play really about?  Is it Brutus or Caesar? Use examples from the play to support your answer."

Thursday 12-4-14

Today in class, we will:

1.  Create a detailed plot chart that lists the key events in all five acts.
2.  Students will need to determine the climax/turning point in Act III.
3.  Plot Charts are due at the end of class (if necessary, students can finish them at home)
4.  HW:  Finish in-class work

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

WooHoo... Another Celebration of Knowledge!!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Celebrate our knowledge of key turning points in the play Julius Caesar with Quiz #2
2.  We will discuss what's left in our JC unit.
3.  HW:  Holiday Hat day tomorrow

Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome Back! 14 more days until Winter Break!!

Today, in light of recent events on campus, we will be reviewing the concepts of digital footprints, social media, responsible use of social media, and safety.  

Activities in class today will include PollEverywhere, Kahoot, Journaling (as an Exit Ticket) and class discussion.

1. Poll Everywhere
2. Discuss apps/why/purpose
3. Kahoots---Online Privacy and Digital Safety
4. Class Discussion of Netiquette and digital footprints....
5. Journal--"What have you learned today and do you need to rethink your digital/online presence/footprint?  What are some steps you can take today?"

Tomorrow, we will get back to our exciting presentations on Julius Caesar!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Review Review Review

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

In periods 3-5, students will continue to work together on their presentation for their assigned act.

In periods 6-7, students will choose one of the activities listed on the Thanksgiving Break Review Activities to complete during class.

If students did not turn in Task One Unit Two Literary Terms and Background questions, students may do so by tomorrow.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Those who do the work, do the learning!!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will discuss some life lessons and students will be randomly assigned into groups to create a review/presentation for a specific act from the play Julius Caesar.

Once in groups, students will be given directions on how to create the review/presentation for their act, which is due this Friday.  JC ACT GROUP REVIEW/PRESENATION INSTRUCTIONS

If students do not demonstrate comprehension of their act(s), students will be required to complete the Thanksgiving Break Review Activities.  THANKSGIVING BREAK REVIEW ACTIVITIES

If a student is absent on Friday, he/she will need to complete the Thanksgiving Break Review Activities in order to be completely caught up from missing the presentations.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Celebration of Knowledge day...aka Quiz :)

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Take a quiz over the play that we just finished watching (Julius Caesar)
2.  Watch the TNT biography version of Act 2/3 of the play
3. HW:  Review, get caught up with watching.....11/19

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Another version of Julius Caesar

Although I can't get all of our class video uploaded, that doesn't mean that you can't watch another version of the play....

This version by the BBC is an option.  The play doesn't change....just the actors do.

If you have seen the first two days in class (what's on today's blog), then start with Chapter 7 of 12 on the playlist.

BBC version of Julius Caesar

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

Opening Thought:


Each day we are watching Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. I believe that dramas should be watched, not read line by line (don't worry we will be getting into the text after we watch it).  

Students should be taking notes and for homework each night, write a summary paragraph that reviews the acts/scenes watched in class.

Paragraph #1 due 11/13 (Acts 1/2) (minutes 1-30)
Paragarph #2 due 11/14 (Acts 2/3) (minutes 30-59)
Paragraph #3 due 11/17 (Acts 3/4)
Paragraph #4 due 11/18 (Acts 4/5)

The first three acts can be found below from youtube.

Mark Anthony (Act 3 Funeral Speech)

Friday, November 7, 2014


Opening Thought:

For the past four days, we have been watching a TNT historical biography on Julius Caesar. This biography highlights events that shaped Julius Caesar as a person.  The biography ends where the play starts, Caesar's return to Rome after his victory over Pompeii.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday Funday....Start Unit Two

Opening Thought:
New Harry Potter story :)

Today in class, we will:

1.  Begin our introductory background knowledge with a review of literary elements found in dramas
2.  Answer a few questions to spark our prior knowledge of Shakespeare and Roman history.
3.  Work time to complete tasks 1 and 2
4.  Lit Terms and Background knowledge questions due Tuesday 11/4
5. HW:  Finish in-class work 11/4

Unit Two Literary Terms and Background Knowledge Questions

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in our complete essay package (with all steps of the process) including the final draft.
2.  Return graded work from Unit One
3.  Allow time for those students who need to finish final draft
4.  HW:  None.  Unit Two starts Monday

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Revision Thursday

Opening Thought....

Today in class, we will:

1. Turn in our 2nd Rough Draft for date stamp (process grade)
2. Review how to revise; what needs to be in the introduction and conclusion
3. Students will be given the entire class to work on their writing with Ms. Petty.
4. Final drafts are due at the beginning of class tomorrow.
5. HW:  Final draft of essay 10/31

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday and Writing

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will: 

1.  Turn in our first rough drafts to get date stamped
2.  Review essay format and body paragraph format
3.  Work on adding the evidence to each body paragraph
4.  HW:  Second rough draft (which is a completely rewritten new draft of first rough draft) 10/30

Lit Analysis Essay Format (outline)

Body Paragraph Outline/Format

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rough Draft Tuesday

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Date stamp (for a grade) the prewrites at the beginning of class.
2.  We will discuss/review thesis statements and essay organization.
3.  One possible organization tool will be shared in class.
4.  Prewrites will be returned so the first rought draft (thesis statement and 3 body paragraphs)
5.  Rough Drafts are due at the beginning of class
6. HW: Rough Draft #1 10/29 at beginning of class

Monday, October 27, 2014


In case you missed it during the first week or school or added my class late, I use a free text service, "Remind".  It's an opt-in service.  I don't know your cell number and you don't know mine.  Right now, it is only a one-way service for me to send messages to students. 

Please see below for instructions. The text codes for each class period are as follows:

3rd period: @3eng2a
4th period: @4eng2a
5th period: @5eng2a
6th period: @6eng2a
7th period: @7eng2a

Early Out Monday

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:  

1.  Review the essay topic choices for the short story unit.
2.  Take time to complete a pre-write and turn in as an exit ticket.
3.  HW: Find evidence to support your thesis and bring to class  

CAHSEE Practice Test Takeover 10/23-24

In class, students will be taking the practice CAHSEE. Thursday will be English and Friday will be the Math portion. These practice tests help teachers to inform instruction to prepare students for the actual CAHSEE in March.  In addition, it helps the students know what skills they need to work on during that time as well.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Unit Exam Day

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Celebrate our knowledge of the short stories we have read by demonstrating that understanding on the unit exam.
2.  HW:  Relax and be ready for the next two parts of the Practice CAHSEE

Tuesday--Test Review Day!!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Have a blast by reviewing for our unit exam by competing in teams and answering questions on Kahoot.it.
2.  Prizes will be awarded to the top teams
3.  HW:  Unit exam tomorrow!!!

Monday--CAHSEE Practice Test ELA Part One

Opening Thought:

Today, in class, we will:

1.  Complete the first part of the practice CAHSEE test (the essay)
2.  Juniors will work on reviewing for the unit exam on Wednesday.
3. HW:  Study for exam

Friday, October 17, 2014

Club Day Friday

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Turn in the completed Comparison Matrix 1 /2 and the Character Map.
2.  Return graded work.
3.  Create five (5) multiple choice style questions with four (4) possible answer choices with only one correct answer out of the four answer choices (correct answer choice needs to be starred). The questions are on the eight (8) short stories we have read.  These questions are an exit ticket from class today.
4.  HW:  Study for unit exam 10/22

Thursday, October 16, 2014

WooHoo Work Day

Opening Thought (a bit of funny):

Today in class, we will:

  1. Review the next two weeks
  2. Review format and necessary requirements of Comparison Matrix 1/2 and Character Map
  3. Work time to complete both assignments (we have had two other days in class to work on these)
  4. Turn in completed assignments to tray
  5. HW:  Create five (5) multiple choice questions with 4 answer choices on the 8 stories we have read

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Finish the Practice ACT test.
2. HW:  Character Analysis (map) due 10/16


Opening Thought:

In class, we will:

1. Complete the graphic organizer started on Friday.
2. Start a detailed character analysis of one of the main characters from the 7 short stories read in our textbook.
3.  HW: Comparison Matrix due 10/14; Characater Analysis due 10/16

10/10/14 Friday--Rally schedule

Today in class, we will:

1.  Start a comprehensive review utilizing a matric graphic organizer.  Students will work with a partner to complete the organizer together.
2.  HW:  No homework

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Take a quiz on "The Widow and the Parrot"
2.  Finish our CLQs on the story (#2,3,5,9)
3.  Copy down the character map graphic orgaizer (right now..it's NOTon blog)
4.  Review stories that we have read
5. HW:  none/rally schedule tomorrow

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Distribute graded work
2.  Review current grades
3.  Read "The Widow and the Parrot" p. 428
4.  Answer CLQs #2,3,5,9
5. HW:  finish in-class work

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Trying Things Out Tuesday

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Complete a practice ACT essay assessment.  This is a great opportunity for students to experience what the ACT is all about.
2.  HW:  None

Monday, October 6, 2014


Opening Thought....

Today in class, we will:

1.  Respond thoughtfully to Journal #6
2.  Read the short story "Open Window" in our text, p.540
3.  Answer completely CLQs #1,3,4,7,9
4.  HW: Bring a #2 pencil for class tomorrow

Friday, October 3, 2014

Flashback Friday

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:  (in honor of Flashback Friday)

1.  Have class time to review missing assignments and submit them for full credit
2.  In Class Extra Credit opportunity for students who are up-to-date
3.  HW:  Make sure you've read all of the stories 10/6

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Read "Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets" p.4-20
2. Answer CLQs #3,4,7,9
3. HW:  Finish in class work

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A New Month....

Today in class, we will:

1.  Continue to work on the analysis of literary elements
2.  Turn in "best set" of literary element of examples to class tray
3.  Discuss static/dynamic characters
4.  HW:  none

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

See Slides for Agenda:

Monday, September 29, 2014

Early Out Monday

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1. Take a quiz over last week's story... "How Much Land Does a Man Need?"
2.  Review dynamic/static characters.  Students are to create a T-chart listing ten examples of each.
3.  Finish up the plot chart from last Friday.
4.  HW:  T-chart of character types; Plot Chart 9/30

Friday, September 26, 2014

Warrior Nation / Warrior Pride !!!!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will

1.  Turn in homework (p.153 questions 4,5,7,8,)
2.  Focus on detail in plot -- create a plot chart.
3.  HW:  Plot chart

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Nerd Day :)

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review a critical analysis of "The Lottery"
2.  Read and discuss an online literary analysis of "The Lottery"
3.  Read "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" (p. 136-152) in text
4.  Answer Questions # 4,5,7,8 on Page 153
5.  HW: In class work that is not finished

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Once Upon a Time at Righetti......

Opening Thought:

Today in class,  we will:

1.  Review last night's homework (questions 1,2,3,7,9)
2.  Work with a partner for identify 3 literary elements in the story
3.  Create a plot chart on the story (The Lottery...see yesterday's blog for the video)
4.  HW:  None 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hawaiian Tuesday aka Lilo's Luau

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Return graded work so students can double-check grades.
2.  Journal #5...."What would you do if you won five million dollars in the lottery?"
3.  Watch a short story video..."The Lottery"
4.  Answer the following CLQs # 1, 2, 3, 7, 9
5. HW:  Finish in-class work

Monday, September 22, 2014

Grades, Projects, Oh My!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Post 6 week grades
2.  Return ungraded projects for revision
3.  Work time for revision...projects due at beginning of class Tuesday
4.  HW:  Revise projects

PLEASE NOTE:  If a student was absent on Friday, he/she must come in at lunch TODAY to take the Lit Terms Test.  Otherwise, the grade will be a zero for this grading period.   

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Opening Thought:  


Today in class, we will:

1.  Students will be presenting their Short Story Group Projects.
2.  Students will have time to review for their Literary Term Test 
3.  HW:  Lit Term Test 9/19

FYI:  The Lit Term Test and the Short Story Group Project both will be on the 6-week progress repot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Project Work Day

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review things that groups should be considering as they work on their projects
2.  Review goals for today's class
3.  HW:  Projects/Presentations due 9/17; Literary Term Test 9/19

Monday, September 15, 2014

Project Time

Opening Thought: 

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review the Short Story Group Project
2.  Sign up for stories
3.  Work time on project
4.  HW:  Lit Term Quiz 9/19; Projects due 9/17

Friday, September 12, 2014

Warrior Pride

Today in class, we will:

1.  Return graded work.
2.  Discuss conflict styles/types and character sketch
3.  Turn in Character Sketch
4.  Have work time to get caught up
5.  NO HW:)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

In Remembrance

Today in class, we will 

  1. Continue to practice our characterization skills with the video.  
  2. After the video, we will complete a graphic organizer using our notes in class.
  3. Turn in the graphic organizer at the end of class.
  4. HW:  None

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Woohoo Wednesday!

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review the concept of universal theme and discuss the hw (which was to find examples of one universal theme)
2.  Talk about characterization.  Take notes on characterization methods.  
3.  Start a video on characterization.
4. HW: none

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday in The Text

Opening Thought:

Today, in class, we will:

  1. Discuss both stories ("Damon and Pythias" and "Two Friends")
  2. Students will complete two graphic organizers to aid in comprehension....a venn diagram and plot chart on one of the stories.
  3. Turn in questions on "Two Friends" after we have reviewed them.
  4. HW:  Complete in-class work; Find Examples of the following theme in both stories: "True friendship means loyalty even in the face of great challenges."

Monday, September 8, 2014

Early Out Monday

Opening Thought:

Today, in class:

1.  We read the short story "Two Friends" from our textbook.
2.  We will answer CLQs 1,3,6,9 on that story
3.  Students should be prepared to discuss the story in depth tomorrow in class

Friday, September 5, 2014

Early Out Today

Opening Thought:

Today in class, we will:

1.  Take a quiz over yesterday's reading, "Damon and Pythias"
2.  Complete a Journal (#3) about friendship
3.  Turn in yesterdays homework on the story.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School Tonight!!

Opening Thought:

Reminder: I will not be able to attend Back to School Night this evening.  A letter to the parents was distributed today in class with my contact information.

Today in class, we will:

1.  Review "Monkey's Paw"...go over the CLQs
2.  Review the story's plot (complete/edit a class plot chart on "Monkey's Paw"
3.  Read "Damon and Pythias" on page 109-112.
4.  Answer #1,3,6,9 of the CLQs
5.  HW:  Finish any in-class work not completed during the class time

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back on Track

Opening Thought:  

Today, in class:

We will finish up any remaining activities from the last 7 school days. 

Also, any Lit Terms or Plot Charts need to be turned in today in order to be graded for full credit.

Click here for the 2014 Lit Term List


1.  Review last week's activities
2.  Review Back to School night
3.  Seating Chart clarification
4.  Copy down Common Literature Questions (CLQs) to keep in binder
5.  Prepare for class discussion on last week's short story.


1.  Define semester list of literary elements
2.  Read "Monkey's Paw" (page 48 in text)
3.  Create plot chart on short story